Our laser services have been around for decades, but hot on the trend to naturally treat all types of skin conditions. With the award winning Sciton Joule X platform, it’s customizable to aid in the repair of skin on a cellular level by increasing collagen, elasticity, and fibroblasts while also combating conditions such as acne, hyperpigmentation, facial vessels and more.  

Additionally we offer tattoo removal to help you remove your regrets or faded, and old tattoos.

Cool Peel & Tetra CO2 Laser


 (1) $699 | (3)  $1899

CoolPeel is a revolutionary next-generation Tetra CO2 Laser technology that offers all the benefits of traditional CO2 lasers with a fraction of the downtime. It is performed to effectively promote collagen and reduce fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, enlarged pores, dullness, hyperpigmentation, uneven texture, skin laxity and blemishes to reveal a smoother, healthier, and more radiant complexion.

The Cartessa CoolPeel®️ improves:
* The appearance of fine lines
* Sun damage
* Pore size 
* Skin texture
Providers claim the Tetra CO2 CoolPeel®️ laser as the best CO2 laser for acne scars, best sun spot removal laser, best laser for dark spots, and best laser for wrinkles.

CoolPeel Key Features
* Minimal discomfort (topical anesthesia typically not required)
* Unique pulse shape emission selection via PSD (Pulse Shape Design) technology allows for tailoring of results and downtime
* Ability to perform broad range of treatments, including photodamage, scarring, pigmentation and deep wrinkles
* Fast treatment – full face takes5-10 mins
* Reliability and control with minimum thermal damage and optimal recovery time
* Can be used on all skin types
* Ability to use in combination with other technologies such as Microneedling, BBL, Skin tightening.

Tetra CO2 Laser


(1) $1199  | (3) $3299

The Tetra CO2 laser, which is commonly known as the “CoolPeel®️ laser”, is the only technology that can perform a CoolPeel. The CoolPeel leverages the exclusive H-Pulse: A high-peak-power short pulse that delivers a fully-ablative treatment without causing thermal damage to surrounding tissue. Without thermal damage, downtime is drastically minimized. At the same time, the system delivers impressive superficial, skin-resurfacing results.

Applications of the Tetra CO2 laser:
* Brown Spots
* Fine Lines
* Pigment
* Scars, including Acne Scars
* Sun Spots
* Wrinkles

Key Features
* Minimal discomfort (topical anesthesia typically not required)
* Unique pulse shape emission selection via PSD (Pulse Shape Design) technology allows for tailoring of results and downtime
* Ability to perform broad range of treatments, including photodamage, scarring, pigmentation and deep wrinkles
* Fast treatment – full face takes5-10 mins
* Reliability and control with minimum thermal damage and optimal recovery time
* Can be used on all skin types
* Ability to use in combination with other technologies such as Microneedling, BBL, Skin tightening.

Carbon Peel


Carbon Laser Facials are a revolutionary, non-invasive, painless with virtually no-downtime procedure that helps rejuvenate the appearance of aging and damaged skin. This treatment is safe for all skin types. It gently removes the top layer of skin, leaving an amazing glow with a vibrant, youthful complexion. It’s a superficial treatment that helps with acne, enlarged pores, oily skin, and uneven skin tone. A special carbon paste will be applied to the area on your face excluding eyes and mouth. The carbon paste is left on the skin for 10-15 minutes. The laser energy heats the carbon to help it penetrate into the skin. Another laser energy setting is applied and explodes the carbon particles. The laser energy targets the melanin skin cells and tears it apart. Despite the name, a carbon laser peel isn't a traditional chemical peel. 

Carbon Laser Facials can rejuvenate your skin by:

  • Reducing the signs of premature aging
  • Improving skin integrity and radiance
  • Reducing fine lines and wrinkles
  • Increasing skin tone and texture
  • Stimulating collagen growth for firmer, plumper skin
  • Reducing oily skin or exfoliating dry skin
  • Erasing or fading yellow/brown pigmentation
  • Shrinking scars (must be young scars of a small diameter).

Carbon Laser Facials are safe and effective for all types of acne and can:

  • Gently cleans your pores to help reduce blackheads and whiteheads
  • Eliminates the need to extract comedones
  • Simultaneously targets acne bacteria and shrinks your sebaceous glands for reduced oil production, congestion and outbreaks
  • Decreases cyst size, papules and nodules

There should be no complications after receiving a Carbon peel. Your skin will feel immediately smoother and look instantly refreshed. Better still, there’s zero downtime! You can return to your daily activities immediately following your treatment – your skin may appear slightly red but this should disappear within a few hours. You might feel a tingle sensation that will go away shorty after. We recommend you use SPF 30+ and avoid abrasive exfoliates or other invasive skin treatments for at least 7 days.

You’ll probably notice results after a single treatment. However, for long-term results, we recommend regular treatments:
4-6 treatments are optimal, spaced 2-4 weeks apart.

The treatment is gentle, non-invasive and painless. You’ll probably hear a small pulse as we target the carbon particles in your pores with the laser. Our clients describe the feeling as warm or prickly but not painful.


For the first five days prior to your carbon peel avoid using Retinoids, such as Retin-A, Vitamin C, Glycolic acids, and any type of strong cream that could interfere with your treatment. Avoid any other treatments for at least two weeks prior to your procedure. For example, microdermabrasion and any type of exfoliation.


  • It’s normal to see some flaking or dryness for a few days
  • Do not exfoliate for at least a week after treatment
  • Apply sunscreen every two hours
  • Avoid hot tubs, excessing sweating, and hot showers
  • Avoid sun exposure for 24 hours
  • Avoid picking or scratching or else discolouration and infection can occur

Tattoo Removal Q-Switch ND:YAG


Pricing depends on tattoo size 

Tattoo Removal (60min minimum)

$150 small area (60min)

$250 medium area (90min)

$350 large area (120min

Eyebrow removal $250 (60min)

SMP Removal $350 (90min)

Q-Switch Nd: Yag lasers works by blasting laser energy targeted to the tattoo ink, shattering the ink into tiny particles which your body will naturally eliminate and metabolize. Tattoo ink is done with a needle into the deep layers of the skin, causing the ink to be stuck underneath the epidermis. Our 1064 nm wavelength laser allows direct laser energy right into the ink. Therefore, allowing the energy to be absorbed by the colours in the ink. 95% of colour ink can be treated and the ink will vanish and fade without scarring. This treatment is safe for all skin types. Q-switch Nd: Yag lasers can treat 90-95% of tattoos. Black and red are the most popular tattoo colour. However, not all tattoos absorb the laser energy the same as others. For example, red tattoos need a different wavelength than black ink. Red tattoo ink absorbs differently than black ink because red ink absorbs the laser energy instead of the pigment breaking it down. A variety of different wavelengths are required based on the colour ink you are trying to remove. Our laser is beneficial to all skin types. We can numb the area depending if our client has a large tattoo or is in a sensitive spot. Using our laser Q-Switch Nd: Yag laser, tattoo removal will be done every 4-6 weeks. People with large or colourful tattoos will require a series of treatments that shatter the ink.


Before your treatment:

  • No sun exposure to the treated area for at least 6 weeks prior. This includes any spray
    tan or self tanners
  • No antibiotics for 2 weeks before treatment
  • No hair removal for 2 weeks before (laser, waxing, plucking)
  • No exfoliation for at least 48 hours prior

    Your tattoo will be very hot from the laser. The pain is usually a little more severe than the tattoo itself. A Cold Air Device is a cooling system designed to cool the epidermis before, during and after laser energy has been applied without interfering with the laser beam to aid with discomfort.


  • Bright colours 532nm
  • Black, green and blue 1064nm
  • Dark colours 1064nm
  • Orange, yellow, and red 532nm

Before Treatment

  • Avoid exposure to tanning beds and sunlight for at least 6 weeks
  • Shave the tattoo area before treatment if it is covered by hair
  • Do not apply moisturising cream to the area
  • On the day of treatment make sure the area is free of all makeup
  • Do not apply self-tanner products for 1 week prior to treatment
  • Wear loose clothing
  • Refrain from taking ibuprofen and aspirin 24 hours prior to your session

  • Avoid restrictive clothing and friction in the treated area
  • Avoid excessive sweating and activities that put you at risk of causing damage to the treated area
  • Avoid creams, makeup, perfume, moisturizers or body lotion to the treated area
  • Avoid gyms, hot saunas, swimming as well as Jacuzzis
  • Wash the area gently with soap and water but do not soak the area
  • No rubbing or scratching the treated area
  • Do not go in direct sunlight or use tanning beds 
  • Do not shave the treated area 
  • Avoid hot baths or getting the area wet
  • Avoid Picking scabs if blisters develop
  • To manage swelling and bruising you can apply ice to the area
  • Rest and elevate the treated area above your heart level to help reduce discomfort and swelling
  • Keep the treated area moist and do not leave the treated area dry


 (1) $450 | (3)  $1200

BBL (Broadband Light) is the world's most powerful IPL (Intense Pulse Light) device on the market. It sets a new standard in treating skin conditions. 

The light energy delivered by BBL will gently heat the upper layers of your skin. The heat absorbed by the targeted areas will stimulate your skin cells to regenerate. This corrective process will restore your skin to its natural beauty, making it clearer, smoother, vibrant and younger looking.

BBL allows your clinician to treat age spots, sun spots, freckles, small facial veins, rosacea, and many other skin conditions including Melasma.

BBL stimulates cells to regenerate, and typically with the first treatment you will start to see smoother, more even and vibrant skin. The photothermal energy will eliminate fine vessels that cause redness and reduce unwanted melanin that produces age and sun spots. your skin will feel smoother, pores will be less noticeable, and uneven pigmentation will face.

How many treatments will I need?

The number of treatments needed will vary from patient to patient and your clinician will personalize a treatment plan based on your needs and desired outcome. 

What will happen during the procedure?

The procedure is typically gentle and safe. Generally, there is no need for a topical anesthetic; however, your clinician may choose to use it. Your eyes will be protected with safety shields or glasses. You may briefly feel a warm or "rubber band snap" sensation as the light is absorbed by the targeted areas. Your procedure may take as little as a few minutes depending on the size of the area to be treated and the type of procedure performed. Your clinician will discuss all of your options with you including the benefits, risks and what to expect. 

What should I expect after the treatment?

You may experience some redness/ swelling that should resolve within a few hours. Consult your clinician if it does not. For some spots, you will see a darkening of the treated areas followed by fading and flaking off at a later stage. Results depend on your skin type, the number of treatments, and the area treated. 

How long will it take to recover and what aftercare procedure should I follow?

This is a non-invasive and typically a gentle procedure with virtually no downtime. In most cases, you are able to return to work and resume most of your activities immediately.You can also wear makeup to cover darkened areas but being gentle when washing. Your clinician will provide you with more information on what to expect as well as give you an aftercare plan to follow that will involve avoiding direct sun exposure and using sunscreen. Medical grade skincare products help assist in overall skin health and should be maintained with yearly check ups and possible treatments.

Forever Clear (Acne Treatment)

(6) $1500

Have you tried numerous methods to get acne under control? Now, prescription medication and over-the-counter remedies can be a thing of the past. Why deal with the wait and potential side-effects of those options when you can start seeing clearer skin in a few short treatments? 

Forever clear BBL is a cutting-edge acne treatment that uses the power of light to comfortably and effectively clear acne without creams or medicine. Broadband Light is the world's most powerful IPL device delivering light energy deep into your skin to help treat acne, leaving you with clear, healthy, radiant skin.

What areas can be treated?

Most areas of your body can be treated. The most common treatment areas are on the face, neck, and back.

How long does the treatment take?

It can take as little as 15 minutes, depending on the area you are looking to treat. You can expect to see an improvement after just one treatment, but treatment time and total number of treatments needed vary from patient to patient. 

Is the treatment uncomfortable?

The procedure is non-invasive, effective and a comfortable treatment. Generally, there is no need for topical anesthetic, however, your clinician may choose to use it depending on his/her patients' needs.

What does the treatment involve?

It is a three step process!

Step 1 - Blue BBL Light to eliminate acne-causing bacteria at its source, deep down into the pores.

Step 2 - Yellow BBL Light to reduce the inflammation and acne-associated redness to give you healthy, luminous skin.

Step 3 - Infa-red light in rapid, gentle pulses to initiate the body's natural healing process. It also helps in the sebaceous oils and pore size. 

What should I expect after the treatment?

You may experience some redness that should resolve within a few hours. your clinician will provide you with more information on what to expect as well as give you an aftercare plan to follow that will involve avoiding direct sun exposure and using sunscreen. Medical Grade products also help aid in continued results and maintaining. 

What is the recovery time?

There is typically no downtime. Most patients can wear make-up and resume normal activities immediately. Please follow your clinician's aftercare plan until skin is completely healed- typically about one week after the treatment.


(1)$300 | (6) $1600

As we age, skin loses its youthful firmness and natural elasticity, especially around the jawline and neck where it can add years to your appearance. While no one escapes the forces of aging and gravity, SkinTyte can fight against them.

SkinTyte uses BroadBand Light (BBL) technology, the worlds most powerful IPL device on the market. It sets new standards in treating skin conditions associated with aging, active life-styles and sun damage. SkinTyte is a treatment  that delivers an advanced infa-red light to deeply heat your skin while cooling and protecting the entire surface at the same time. Light energy is distributed in rapid, gentle pulses to initiate the body's natural healing process, which leads to improved appearance of sagging skin.

They are safe for all skin types and can be performed on any area of the body where an improvement in the appearance of sagging skin is desired. Popular areas include the face, neck, abdomen and arms. Your clinicians treatment plan will be tailored to match your skin type and your desired results. SkinTyte is a generally quick, comfortable procedure, with typically no downtime. The end result is a more youthful appearance.

What is the treatment like?

A series of pulses will be repeated over the treatment area to ensure best results. While the face and neck can typically be done within 30 minutes, the actual time will depend on the size of the area treated. There is no need for a topical anesthetic.

What should I expect after the treatment?

You may experience some mild redness in the treated area immediately after treatment and this should return to normal within minutes. Since the skintyte procedure is non-invasive there is typically no downtime so you can resume regular activities immediately following the treatment. You can also apply makeup and sunscreen after each session.

What results should I expect?

SkinTyte procedure results may vary from patient to patient. SkinTyte is recommended for patients who desire moderate, noticeable skin improvement without having to undergo surgery. Full results often take four to six months after procedures have been completed.

How many Treatments will I need?

The number of treatments needed will vary from patient to patient and your clinician can personalize a treatment plan based on the level of improvement you desire. 

What aftercare plan do I need?

No special skincare regimen is required following the treatment. However, you should always protect your skin from direct sun exposure and use a good sunscreen. Your clinician will provide you with more information on what to expect as well as give you an aftercare plan to follow that will involve avoiding direct sun exposure, using medical grade products to enhance your treatment results and schedule maintenance treatments to keep stimulating collagen for years to come.

Forever Young (Skintyte & BBL)

(1) $700 | (3) $1950

Forever Young is an innovated technology that delivers light therapy to target signs of aging and sun damage. It effectively provides a more youthful and refreshed appearance with scheduled maintenance for best results. It is a combination of Skintyte and BBL to combat skin concerns and help repair and prevent the aging process. A retrospective studby 491 evalutors of eleven patients treated with Forever young BBL over the past 9 years with scheduled appointments concluded that all patients appeared to have defied aging and patients also look approximately ten years younger than their actual age

What type of skin conditions can be treated?

A wide variety of conditions including age spots, freckles, rents, small vessels, acne, oily skin, eneven skin tone and also  fine lines and wrinkles. 

Are Forever Young BBL treatments uncomfortable?

No, however you may experience some discomfort in more sensitive areas. in some cases, you may feel a small elastic band snap, and some a warm stone massage. 

Is there downtime associated with Forever Young BBL?

No, in most cases, you can apply makeup immediately and return to normal routine.